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Showtime - 1944 Acorn 7
Francis Langford boosts morale
Bob "The Nose" Hope - August 1944
Jerry Colonna, "Shorty" and Bob Hope
Bob and Jerry ham it up for the guys
General Boyd and Frances Langford
Jean Brunner
Lena Latrina
Patty Thomas 8/24/44
Bob Hope, Patty Thomas & Audience Volunteer
The man who made us laugh
Carole Landis arriving on the island
Martha Tilton
Carole Landis
The Benny Troupe
Back Row, L-R: Jack Benny and Larry Adler
Front Row, L-R: Jean Brummer, Martha Tilton, Carole Landis
Front Row, L-R: Jean Brummer, Martha Tilton, Carole Landis
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